What's Next in Your Career?

The Career Coaching program is designed for professionals who seeking clarity about their ideal career path. Perhaps you’re considering a change within or outside of your organization. Or you’re considering starting your own business. Or maybe you’re planning for an active retirement. Whether you move laterally, progress upwards, or shift to an entirely new industry or occupation, you want to do something meaningful and fulfilling.

This program offers a guided “inside-out” process of discovery that will help you see possibilities for a well-fitting and realistic career. The highly individualized process is comprised two conversations to debrief your Myers- Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) and Combined Strong Interest Inventory® and  MBTI® Career Report. You will also receive an online self-paced program featuring a step-by-step process and guided visualizations to help you make your next career move with confidence. You will gain valuable insights about your fundamental nature, strengths, values, interests, purpose, ideal workplace environment, and desired occupations. It is a bit like putting a puzzle together. 


The MBTI® tool

The MBTI® a well-known and thoroughly researched training and development tool. Based on Carl Jung's theory of psychological types, this tool helps individuals identify their preferences in four areas- where they get energy, how they prefer to take in information, how they make decisions, and how they deal with the outer world. Your MBTI® Career Report will indicate your preferences in these four areas, as well as identify the preferred work tasks and work environment of people with your personality type. It also describes how your type affects your career choice, career exploration, and career development.

The Strong Interest Inventory® 

The Strong assessment provides a powerful method for matching the interests of individuals with opportunities for jobs, education, and leisure activities. The combined Strong® & MBTI® Career report integrates your General Occupational Themes, Occupational Scales, and Personal Style Scales with your personality type to identify occupations suggested by both instruments.



  • Receive the Myers-Briggs (MBTI®) personality assessment and Career Report
  • Receive the Strong Interest Inventory® Profile and Combined Strong® & MBTI® Career Report
  • Receive the “Introduction to Type” and “Where Do I Go Next?” manuals
  • 12-Month access to the "What's Next?" self-paced online career management and job transition program
  • Two 1.5-hour one-on-one virtual sessions to debrief your MBTI®, Strong® and Combined Report results, provided by a certified MBTI® and Strong® practitioner. 


Career Report Samples 

Sample MBTI® Career Report
Sample MBTI® and Strong® Report
Sample Report with College Profile

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